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Master of Ballantrae base

Topic: The Master of Ballantrae

Number of entities: 324

This r-ball is a base r-ball for a single work created to support the RLS-athon.

The r-ball contains data about entities associated with the novel and its translations and online versions.

The RLS base r-ball was created by Gordon Dunsire, Chair of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA.

The r-ball was created with only open-access online resources in hand. Other sources of information are restricted to imported MARC records and online reference services. Items were chosen to demonstrate a range of languages, and the issues associated with multiple digitized online versions.

MARC sources were not usually attached to the RIMMF-ball. Editing was carried out on the entities after import.

The r-ball was started by copying the Person data for the author, and the Work, Expressions, and Manifestations data for the novel from the Robert Louis Stevenson base r-ball. MARC21 bibliographic records, some with associated authority records, were imported from National Library of Scotland (NLS), and various other national library catalogues.

The r-ball is not guaranteed to completely conform with RDA.

The r-ball illustrates issues associated with:

  • Bibliographic history with multiple "standard" expressions.
  • Multiple digitizations of multiple reprints of similar manifestations and expressions.
  • Poor quality of legacy pre-AACR MARC21 records, and the opportunity for manual upgrading using online digitized versions.

Covers of books and other resources associated with The Master of Ballantrae


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